(If you are not familiar with the benefits of binaural beats or what binaural beats actually are, start here)
Have you noticed how your mood changes depending on the type of music that you listen to? Music can make you feel sad or happy, relaxed, or pumped. It has the power to change you, mentally and/or physically.
Music definitely has its way of influencing the psyche, but it is also powerful enough to affect the internal functioning of the body. Music affects us internally, and it is not exactly a mystery. It is due to what is known as frequencies. The combination of frequencies has a way of influencing how the brain works. The brain’s response to these frequencies alters the state of our consciousness. Music can definitely be therapeutic if used in this form.
Sound Therapy for Anxiety and Stress: Jonathan Adams and Montana Skies
Soundwave therapy is a proven method of treating fatigue, insomnia, and anxiety, plus a host of other health issues.
Depending on the person’s condition and what they need most at the time, binaural beats therapy’s influence on the brainwave frequencies and the state of a person’s consciousness, psyche, and body, has resulted in a number of scientifically proven health benefits. Here are just a few.
Binaural Beats Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Binaural beats therapy has proven effective in addressing anxiety and reducing a person’s stress levels. Studies have shown that binaural beats can reduce cortisol levels.
This makes for a very positive health benefit because if cortisol is present in persistently high levels in the body, it can cause a variety of bodily malfunctions, as well as lead to anxiety and depression.
Chronic stress is closely associated with an irregularity in the brainwave states of a person. Deliberately using binaural beats audio therapy can alter a person’s state of consciousness and effectively reduce anxiety and stress.
One study had the participants undergo a therapy session that employed the use of delta wave binaural beats daily for a period of two months. The results showed that the participants experienced a reduction in their anxiety levels.
Another study showed that listening to binaural beats can help reduce preoperative anxiety, an anxiety that affects many people before going into surgery. The participants were asked to listen to binaural beats for half an hour prior to their surgery, and in doing so, reduced their anxiety levels.
Promotes Relaxation and Sleep
The hormone melatonin is primarily responsible for letting your body know whether it’s time to sleep or wake up. Stress and other factors can get in the way of your sleep cycle, which is likely to cause insomnia.
Listening to binaural beats has been found to be an effective way of producing sleep hormones, which can induce deep relaxation and help someone have a good night’s sleep.
Many people use melatonin supplements if they have a sleeping problem, but studies have noted that binaural beats therapy can significantly increase the body’s natural production of melatonin.
Experts reveal that the right binaural beats help slow down brain wave activity, which results in the production of low-frequency waves that are important for achieving relaxation and better sleep. A 30 to a 60-minute session of listening can take an individual from a waking conscious state into a deep sleep.
Binaural Beats Improves Focus and Memory
Binaural beats therapy is widely effective in synchronizing brain waves. Research studies have shown that binaural beats can significantly reduce a person’s perception of pain severity.
Due to this effect, a person’s level of concentration and focus improves dramatically, being less impacted by any kind of pain or discomfort.
Greater focus and higher levels of concentration are attained due to a pain free state of consciousness. This is readily accomplished through brainwave entrainment or binaural beats therapy.
Binaural beats can also help condition the brain and enhance problem-solving skills and long-term memory.
Increases Levels of Self-Confidence and Improves Moods
It is not surprising that binaural beats therapy is widely promoted for improving the mind and body. Our brainwave patterns are very closely linked to our emotions, thoughts, moods, and practically everything that we do.
Binaural beats therapy’s ability to alter a person’s brainwave patterns influences the psyche and consciousness. This influences our emotions and moods to function at a higher level.
More confidence, a better mood, and greater motivation are just some of these benefits. Binaural beats can beneficially change our quality of life for the better, and in a natural, rhythmic way.
Are There Any Side Effects to Binaural Beats?
Binaural beats are known to cause positive changes in brain wave frequency. It is for this reason that there is an increase in people using binaural beats.
However, with any positive, there is often a negative. The question arises, are there any side effects that may be experienced when using binaural beats?
Is it Safe to Listen to Binaural Beats?
The frequencies that people hear from binaural beats are not totally different from the sounds they may hear from music or in nature. We hear sound waves every day. The major side effect of listening to any music, binaural beat or sound, is if it is listened to extremely loudly.
However, people diagnosed with epilepsy should use binaural beats with caution, or at the very least, supervised by your health care professional.
To date, there have been no reported cases of people suffering from serious side effects caused by listening to binaural beats. Experts recommend that binaural beats be listened to at a moderate volume. Being exposed to sounds at more than 85 decibels for an extended period of time can eventually lead to hearing loss.
It should be loud enough to elicit the expected effect, but low enough to avoid causing headaches and other unwanted side effects.
Binaural Beats Possible Side Effects
If you’re listening to binaural beats too loudly, you run the risk of experiencing headaches. This can be likened to a person listening to heavy bass frequencies at a music concert and then feeling nauseous after being exposed to the high levels of noise.
Headaches can also be experienced by first-time users of binaural beats. This is considered normal. However, these headaches will gradually subside.
Binaural beats can help people lower their anxiety levels, but there are a few people who can actually experience anxiety symptoms if they are new to binaural beats. For example, they may find themselves having rapid heartbeats as if they’re having an anxiety attack.
The common cause for this occurrence is from using the wrong frequency. You have to make sure that the binaural beats you are listening to are within the proper frequency level for the state you are trying to attain.
Muscle Tingling
There have been reports of binaural beats causing certain physical effects such as muscle tingling and drowsiness. These side effects are common to people who are suffering from chronic stress.
The reason is actually a good thing! As they listen to the binaural beat, they begin to relax which relieves muscle tension. This then leads to relaxed, destressed, tingling muscles.
Tips to Avoid Experiencing Unwanted Side Effects
Choose The Right Headphones
It is important to note that increasing the volume of the binaural beats does not, in any way, increase the benefits. It is better if you listen using headphones that are capable of blocking external noise. Closed-back headphones are the best choice. That way, you can listen without the need to increase the volume.
Listen to Professionally Produced Recordings
If you are listening to binaural beats with poor quality audio, it is possible that you will experience headaches. Always choose binaural beats that have been professionally produced.
Find What Length of Listening Time Suits You
You will soon learn what your optimal listening period is. That is, you will be able to tell how long you can listen to the binaural beats, and achieving your desired state, without suffering from any unwanted effects. Some people find listening to a beat for fifteen minutes is beneficial. Others need to listen for 30 minutes to an hour in order to reap their desired outcome.
In Summary …
When you hear music or sounds, you automatically hear and feel the beats and rhythm. Humans are naturally entrained in the different types of sounds and rhythms around us, but most of the time we are not aware that ‘entrainment’ is taking place inside us.
Whatever the frequency is at any given point in time will determine (and is also affected by) whatever activity we are currently performing, and how well, or closely aligned, we are doing it.
Often, the activity, or the mind-state that is mostly associated with it, that we would like to be experiencing right now, can be hard to attain. We may feel mellow and doughy when we need to be alert and focused. Or, we may feel we are bouncing off the walls, and we want to be in a more relaxed and controlled frame of mind.
Binaural beats are easy to use, readily available, and inexpensive. For all the times we wish we could feel sharper when we are not, and the even more times we are too tightly wound and need to relax, binaural beats might just be the answer!
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