Albert Einstein is quoted as saying that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Desired results may come from certain behaviors and decisions. If you want different results, then you have to behave differently. It is very easy to understand when it comes to organizations, as well as business decisions. You are able to build some sort of emotional distance in those areas.
However, all bets are off once we start applying that idea to our personal lives. It suddenly becomes uncomfortable. Why is that? We must unfortunately, face the reality that there are certain things in our lives that we are fundamentally unhappy with. There are many areas of our lives that we feel stuck in, if not, at least feel frustration with.
The Excuse or Blame List
Some parts of our lives may even feel downright uncomfortable or worse, painful. Given how all of this cuts too close to home, it’s easy to come up with all sorts of excuses.
It’s easy to blame our childhood.
It’s easy to blame other people or situations beyond our control.
But let me tell you, the more you blame things, situations and people out of your control, the more you train yourself to become powerless. You think that if somebody is truly responsible for what happened in your life, then they can fix it. They caused it anyway, so they are responsible, not you. Seems pretty logical, right?
Now, if you are blaming other people who are beyond your control and that you can’t compel them to take positive remedial action, what will happen then? You will just train yourself to believe that you are hopeless.
There is no fix possible.
There is no solution because those things are under other people’s control, in situations beyond your reach.
Do so you see how frustrating that is?
Do you see how this leads to a life of powerlessness, weakness and decay?
Thankfully, there is a better approach. And that is, change your mental habits. Just because you respond in the negative almost automatically doesn’t necessarily mean that you cannot change it.
It is a choice.
Your Mental Habits Are Choices….
If you change these habits, you start feeling better and can begin taking positive action.
As you probably already know, the world doesn’t care about your feelings. All it cares about are the things you do. So, when you change your mental habits to the extent that your actions have also changed, you get better results.
That’s how you claim your success!
That’s how you win in life.
That’s how you take ownership.
Otherwise, you would feel like you’re stuck in a pit that regardless of how hard you try, that past always has a hold on you and continues to drag you down.
That is not a life of victory but a life of a victim.
Know the difference!
There are proven tips or hacks for designing a life plan that can help you realize more fulfillment and happiness. Have less stress and anxiety, and more achievement of the goals and desires that are important for you to experience the best life has to offer.
➡ 10 Habits That Foster A Growth Mindset
➡ How Can You Change Your Way Of Thinking?
➡ Control Your Internal Dialogue
➡ How To Challenge and Change Your Negative Mindset
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