Self Care Tips: Positive Affirmations
As we begin to discuss the power of positive affirmations, some of you may prefer to listen and watch the video, whereas, others would prefer to simply read the article. Your choice. (Or you can watch and read.)
You’ve probably seen positive affirmations across social media, posters, and cards. They’re all over Facebook and Instagram, and they can seem a little cheesy sometimes. But did you know that positive affirmations can actually be powerful tools for change?
What are Positive Affirmations? And How do They Work?
Simply put, affirmations are anything you say or think. They make up a large part of the mind-talk that everyone has running in their heads all the time. We all use affirmations, though we don’t do it consciously. This allows our default, negative thoughts to run our lives.
Think about the messages that are part of your regular self-talk. Do you have kind, positive, encouraging self-talk, or does your Inner Critic dominate with harsh words of criticism? Many of your messages will have been seeded during your childhood. Were you encouraged and supported to give it your best shot, or were you told you were lazy, or no good? Those messages are still affecting your current mindset.
Whether you have a positive or a negative script running through your mind, those thoughts and beliefs shape your reality. Negative thoughts feed self-doubt and discourage you from trying to reach your full potential. If you believe you’re no good at giving presentations, you’re not going to feel confident enough to give it your all.
Change up Your Self-Talk
The good news is that you can change your self-talk by choosing to use positive affirmations to rewire your brain to have a positive mindset.
The process is pretty straightforward if you stick to some basic rules:
- Always use the present tense. Your brain reacts in the moment, so make that moment as positive as you can.
- Keep it positive and simple. Saying short, positive phrases like ‘I am calm’ is much more effective than telling yourself, “I mustn’t get upset.’
- Use repetition. If you repeat your affirmations regularly and consistently, you will strengthen those neural pathways in the brain. Your habitual patterns of thought and belief will become more positive. Try to repeat your chosen affirmations three times a day for at least five minutes.
Choose to Change your Life
You have the power to choose your life experience. Whatever you tell yourself affirms that you want to have more of it in your life. So if you’re angry or resentful, you’re setting yourself up for more of that in your life. If you’re confident and hopeful, if you expect things to go well, then that’s precisely what will happen.
You can choose to feel good and positive about your life. Using conscious affirmations is a great way to start making those positive changes today.
Meditation has become very popular. But can it really make you smarter, happier and healthier?
New research shows that it can affect the body as well as the mind, slow down the aging process, and even alter the structure of the brain.
Was My Discovery Really Accidental?
I discovered (quite by accident), a very informative video on Youtube titled: Dwane Johnson-Everyday Positive Affirmations. I failed to notice the misspelling of his name and went on to watch and listen. Dwayne Johnson is NOT in this video, but the message on positive affirmations, self care and self-talk was well worth my time. Thanks to Youtube and Google, I’ve included the video as well as a transcript of the entire video.
Video Transcript: Each day brings rewarding success, joyful happiness and beautiful love into every aspect of my life. The best and the highest surrounds me and protects me at every moment.
I attract love easily and effortlessly wherever I am, and I always accept love into every aspect of my life gladly, and I enjoy it passionately.
I love and accept myself for the lovely person that I am. I am a special and marvelous creation.
Thank you for creating me. I am a welcoming magnet for success, money and prosperity. and I easily attract all of these luxurious things because I am an infinitely rich person inside and out.
I am thankful for all of the good, kind and beautiful things that I have in my life. I am truly blessed with the best and the highest.
I grow younger, healthier and more beautiful every day. I love myself for the precious human being that I am.
It is my divine destiny to be happy, healthy, wealthy, loved and pleasantly fulfilled and I freely accept all of these beautiful things wholeheartedly.
Thank you for my precious life.
Thank you for this world in which I live.
Thank you for all of the good and kind things that I experience at every moment. My life is simple and easy because that’s how I enjoy making my life, simple and easy.
And I approach every task and situation in a positive and gentle way. I am special and unique in every way. And I am a very talented and gifted person.
I am unique and one of a kind, and possess truly special qualities that are unique to me.
Thank you for that.
Each day brings rewarding success, joyful happiness, and beautiful love into every aspect of your life. the best and the highest surrounds you and protects you at every moment. You attract love easily and effortlessly wherever you are, and you always accept love into every aspect of your life gladly.
And you enjoy it passionately.
You love and accept yourself for the lovely person that you are. You are a special and marvelous creation.
Thank you that you were created. You are a welcoming magnet for success, money and prosperity and you easily attract all of these luxurious things because you are an infinitely rich person inside and out.
You are thankful for all of the good, kind and beautiful things that you have in your life. You are truly blessed with the best and the highest.
You grow younger, healthier and more beautiful every day. You love yourself for the precious human being that you are. It is your divine destiny to be happy, healthy wealthy,loved and pleasantly fulfilled and you freely accept all of these beautiful things wholeheartedly.
You are thankful for your precious life and you are thankful for this world in which you live.
You are thankful for all of the good and kind things that you experience at every moment.
Your life is simple and easy because that’s how you enjoy making your life: simple and easy.
And you approach every task and situation in a positive and gentle way. You are special and unique in every way.
And you are a very talented and gifted person. You are unique and one of a kind and possess truly special qualities that are unique to you.
Thank you for being you.
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