We tend to notice happy people from a mile away because it is so rare to find someone who exudes genuine and lasting happiness. It’s just something they give off that makes you think they never let the struggles of life get to them.
Is there a secret to happiness? Not likely, however, people who are happier seem to understand that life is what you make it.
We want to share with you “10 characteristics of happy people” .
We spend more time waiting than we do receiving, so it’s important for us to “appreciate” the wait. A happy life comes from being patient through the toughest situations.
Happy People Are Appreciative
Happy people have more of an appreciation for where they are in life. You seldom see a miserable person who is grateful and joyful too.
Appreciation will allow you to become happier because your expectations are reasonable.
[tweet_box design=”box_11″ float=”none”]Gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.
~ Gilbert K. Chesterton[/tweet_box]
Happy People Are Understanding
Someone who understands why life doesn’t always go their way is more likely to be happier. These types of people show resilience and understand the processes of everything in life.
When an expectation isn’t met, we all sometimes wonder, “why”? but understanding will bring peace to a situation.
Happy People Have a Heart Full Of Love
This is a big one… when you have a heart full of love for life, you are very likely to be a happy person. Love makes us happier with ourselves and it allows us to see the good in people while seeing a need to serve in some way.
This may be the toughest part of life. Patience is a true test of mental strength but it pays off tremendously (Eventually). No successful person has been able to get through life without a lot of patience.
Happy People Have A Good Attitude
This one’s obvious. Have you ever met someone who was extremely rude and negative all the time? Well, these people are not happy. The chances of them being optimistic are less likely.
A good attitude can go a very long way in life and people take notice.
A Life Of Meaning
Nothing can zap a person’s happiness more than a meaningless lifestyle. We are meant to progress and strive and if we are wasting time by being complacent we won’t experience happiness. Live a meaningful life by setting goals, and look forward to what’s to come in your optimistic future.
A Life Of Meaning Requires Curiosity
Most people who become complacent lack curiosity. A bigger meaning in life requires you to be curious and have the drive to act on those thoughts of “what if”.
Don’t be afraid to make the effort to learn more and the possibilities can be endless.
Be Kind
It’s important to be kind to other people. When you show kindness you are telling the world that you are grateful for your existence along with the existence of others.
An unhappy person would be sulking in their sadness, while an ambitious person will go out of their way to accomplish something that means a lot to them.
Be Optimistic
Do you have hope? Optimism will give you hope even when it doesn’t seem within reach. Positivity can actually lead to happier moments being you’re more open-minded.
Happy people have a happier outlook on life which is very clear and obvious.
Don’t Worry, Just Be Happy
Happiness is a choice. We all have the ability within us to create happiness. It’s a choice which needs to be made every day when we wake up in the morning.
Understand that life is not against you and your perspective will mean the difference between being happy and unhappy.
Be more open to developing characteristics which will make your life a lot easier and happier.
I discovered a video on Youtube that explains much of what I’ve stated above, but also adds some excellent tips for creating positive habits towards becoming a happy person.
I’ve included a transcript of the entire video, kindly provided by Google and Youtube, so that you can quickly skim through the main points of the video’s content if you prefer to read.
Alright guys, in this video we’re gonna be going over 10 habits of happy people. Now you can look at happy people and understand that they have these habits but the important thing is is to try to implement these habits into your lifestyle.
So the first one is gratefulness and of course if you can wake up and just be grateful about something, you’re automatically gonna be happier. I mean have you ever woken up and just went: “Today’s gonna be a bad day the bad things are gonna happen I’m not gonna enjoy doing this task and I have to hang around these people.” You’re obviously not even happy at the start of the day so how are you gonna get happier?
If you start your day with gratefulness and that positivity you’re already going to be forcing your brain to think of ways to be happier.
Number 2 is optimism and that goes with gratefulness. Optimism is having a positive view of the world and the future outcomes of it. Now it’s important to differentiate optimism from realistic optimism and optimism that is like over the top, almost blindly looking at things that they’re going to be great.
Realistic optimism is something that I think everyone should strive for, it having that counterbalance between things are gonna be great but we’re also gonna have to get work done.
If you can get those gratefulness and optimism together, that’s already a great habit to start your day with. Just come up with affirmations.
You know today’s gonna be great “I’m gonna get a ton of work done. I’m gonna meet this someone special in my life and if I already have them I’m gonna care for them even more than yesterday.”
Tip number three is to smile a lot. There’s a lot of psychological reasoning behind forcing yourself to smile. If you can put yourself in situations that you know will make you smile, like going to the checkout and seeing that cute girl that you liked – that will make you smile.
That’s a habit of happy people. They love putting themselves in situations where they will smile a lot. Whether that is setting up a family reunion so you can see your family more often or traveling to see your cousin, or like I said earlier going to the grocery store to buy something so you can see that cute cashier.
Number Four is to have a lot of friends, and the important thing here is to have high quality friends. There’s a lot of toxic people in the world and the important thing is and something that’s very valuable is to be able to look at friends subjectively and go: “wow this person is in my life for a reason they add benefit to me. I love being around them they’re sticking with me for the rest of my life.”
You can make yourself have more of those friends – long-term friendships that last a long time and are solid and concrete, that will help you be exponentially happy because friends have a lot of psychological aspects that help you network and be a happier person.
Tip number five ties into that and it’s to weed out bad friends. Now in your search to have a whole bunch of high quality friends, probably 80 to 90% of the people that you meet are going to be low-quality bad friends, toxic people that you need to get out of your life, and for some people it’s really hard to get rid of these people specifically because they don’t want to be seen as pushy or a push over or rude when they’re canceling plans with someone. But that is needed a lot of time to make yourself better. To be happier is just getting rid of that friend or those friends and there is a skill to this.
Tip number six is take breaks often when you work. I actually found this in one study that I read. What they did was they had people who didn’t take breaks at all. They’d worked for eight hours straight and then they also took people who took breaks like ten minutes every hour and what they found was the people that took breaks every hour actually had less working time but they were happier and their productivity was boosted and they actually got more work done than the people who worked the full eight hours.
It’s really interesting because when you take breaks it gives you that time to be grateful for stuff. It also gives you something to look forward to and you can be optimistic about that.
Tip number seven is to set SMART goals. I mentioned this in another video so check that out if you want a better description of that but basically set goals that are achievable; that you can reach in a timely manner; that when you reach them they will boost your motivation.
Setting a goal should motivate you, but reaching a goal should bring you a lot of joy. It can bring you happiness and that’s one of the habits that happy people have. They don’t just go through life without goals.
They set goals and they go boom: “I’m gonna get that goal and I’m gonna get that goal and I’m gonna get that goal.” And then each time they get them, they get more motivation and more discipline and more success with each goal.
Tip number eight is that when happy people get sad, what happens is they force themselves to learn something new.
I didn’t realize this until I was probably 19 years old and I went through some spouts of depression and there were some times in my life I was sad and they were had things happening in me.
But what happened was I just started forcing myself to learn. I learned how to make youtube videos. I learned how to play the piano. I learned how to go outside and make new friends. And what happened was having that creativity in your brain unlocking those new neurons actually can help your brain be healthier and in turn make you a happier person.
So whenever you get down or sad or interrupt, one of the best things I can ever recommend you to do is to learn something new. Now it’s important to learn something new that you’re curious about because I was like: Yeah I could learn something new about learning the guitar. I don’t really want to learn to play the guitar but the piano man; that would be so cool to learn, and I was curious about it, and that drove me to learn it, and that got me out of a hard part of my life.
Habit number nine of happy people is that they take care of themselves first so if you’ve ever been on an airplane when they’re going through the instructions and everyone’s getting seated they say in the case of an emergency do not take your mask down and try to help your children first what they say is put your mask on first so that you can help the people around you and that’s really important in self-development and personal development and specifically happy people they take care of themselves first so that they can help other people you can’t help other people if you’re not happy or you’re depressed or you’re down or even if you’re financially broken you can’t help other people but that leads us to habit number 10 even though they take care of themselves first.
Habit number 10 is that they understand the value of helping people and for me, one of the things that brings me the largest amount of happiness at least in my eyes, is that I get to add tons of value to your guys’s lives not only in multitude but also in magnitude on some of these videos.
I put a lot of effort in and I know they reach a ton of people but some of the videos I put even more effort in when they don’t reach very many maybe 10,000 20,000 views but I know that people that watch that video needed that and that it helped them even more and that brings me a lot of value.
So you have to understand the value of helping others and that’s something else. After you learn something new, if you’re ever in a pit or you’re feeling down, if you’re just feeling depressed – almost the first thing I would recommend is to learn something new. If that doesn’t help then you need to focus on helping other people and that’s something that I’ve learned is that when you help other people it starts making you curious. It takes the focus off of yourself and you’re not worried about the internal cycle of what’s going through your mind and worrying and stuff and you’re more worried about helping that other person. And it’s more productive and it makes you a better person because you’re helping them and in turn all of this mixes and meshes ups and can help you become a happier person.
So we’re gonna go through a little review:
Habit number one of happy people is that they are grateful.
Habit number two is that they are optimistic
Habit three is that they smile a lot either that they force themselves to smile or they put themselves in situations where they know that they will smile.
Habit number four is that they have lots of high-quality valuable friends.
Habit number five is that if they have bad friends they acquire and learn the skills needed to get rid of them or at least reduce the amount of them in their life.
Habit number six is to take frequent breaks when they are working
Habit number seven is to set SMART goals
Habit number eight is that whenever they get sad they learn something new
Habit number nine is that they take care of themselves first and
Habit number ten is that when they do they still understand the value of helping other people.
I hope this helped you guys because it brought me a lot of happiness creating this video. If you guys like this video click the like button if you want more like it subscribe thank you so much for watching if you guys enjoyed that video and want to read the book I wrote that it came from search Amazon for Habit Harvester or click the link in the description the book is short enough to read in one sitting but is jam-packed with tons of information just like you saw in this video.
In fact I’ve also added a few extra stories and fixed some of the errors found in this video course. There’s also plenty of amazing illustrations to aid in the learning process and keep the book fun to read if you’re interested you can buy the Kindle version for $2.99 or sign up for a month of Kindle unlimited to get it for free which is what I personally use and you get access to millions of other ebooks and thousands of audiobooks included in your Kindle unlimited membership when you buy the Kindle version you don’t even need a Kindle to read it you can download the Kindle app on your smartphone download the software for PC or even read it on amazon.com through their cloud server if you want to watch the rest of the videos in this series click this thingy or check the link in the description for a playlist thank you guys so much for watching.
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