The ability to change your mindset is a trait all great leaders in any industry have in common. They focus on what they want, not what was in front of them.
Modify Your Mental Habits and You Alter Your Life
Albert Einstein is quoted as saying that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Desired results may come from certain behaviors and decisions. If you want different results, then you have to behave differently. It is very easy to understand when it comes to organizations, as well as […]
The Pitfalls of Relying Solely on Positive Thinking
The mantra that positive thinking creates positive results is one we hear over and over in our lives. But what is often missing from this advice is the understanding that positive thinking alone does not guarantee success. In fact, your positive outlook can sometimes interfere with your ability to fulfill your dreams. Thinking positively is […]
Create A Positive Life Because Positive Thinking Can Only Get You So Far!
Have you read Norman Vincent Peale’s classic book on The Power of Positive Thinking or one of the thousands of books, articles, blogs, and other resources on the importance of mindset? Then you probably already have a good understanding of the power of positivity and the role it plays in accomplishing your goals for creating […]
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